How Did I Join SCAD Honey Dripper?

Recruitment month… Oh, recruitment month.
As a year of HoneyDripper wraps up, all of the officers; Publications Editor, Creative Content Editor, and Editor in Chief, have all come together and shed some light on how they became involved in higher up positions with SCAD’s sequential arts and illustration media group. The current officers all come from incredibly different variations of prior experience with the club. This post is being made not only as a nostalgic archive of students’ time taking on a new responsibility, but a way to show how all officers came from unique paths to getting on board. Applying yourself to positions at SCAD can be scary, but it doesn’t take years of experience as a journalist to climb on board!

Current Creative Content Editor Jake Czubinski brings in insights as a SCADNow student who found the group as a great way to get involved with the student body as an online illustration major:
‘As a SCADNow student, living out of state, I had a hard time finding clubs to join that fit with my schedule and didn’t require me to be in Savannah or Atlanta to participate in activities and meetings. Then came HoneyDripper! I don’t remember if a friend posted something to their story or if I saw it on Discord, but I do remember seeing that HoneyDripper was looking for Illustrators and something about their fun feed and all the interesting stories I saw on the website pulled me in. I was nervous at first to ask if I could apply to be an illustrator, but upon DM’ing the account, I met Reese who welcomed me with open arms and told me all about the club and how HoneyDripper operates. From there I joined the Discord and a couple weeks later Reese reached out to see if I would be interested in being a moderator for the Summer Art the Zine the club was creating! It was so fun to see everyone’s work and their drawings of Art. Not long after Summer, I saw that Honey Dripper was looking to fill officer positions and I now had the confidence to apply and meet with Kat and Reese. Being with Honey Dripper has been really nice– there’s a community of people who share their art and their thoughts on the HoneyDripper website and I love seeing what everyone is interested in and what they are thinking about.’

Publications Editor Blake O’Meara was a causal attendee of the various HoneyDripper Events, such as the Art Swap, before deciding to commit to the club senior year and applied to become an officer:
‘My introduction to HoneyDripper was through one of the Art Swap events during the last few weeks of my sophomore year. I remember a friend of mine had heard of it, and invited me to tag along. While I didn’t have much on hand in terms of prints, stickers, or anything physical, I was able to do a few good, on the spot traditional trades with people. I went out to dinner with a few of the people there after the event wrapped, and after that I extended my social reach with them. I can say the majority of the lifelong friends I have made at SCAD could be traced back to attending that HoneyDripper event. I attended a few more events here and there after that, but I didn’t truly get involved in HoneyDripper as an organization until the Art the Bee zine over the summer. It was such a nice experience to work with other artists and see how one concept can be interpreted in so many different ways. It’s truly such a fun, creative space. HoneyDripper as a whole has had such a positive impact on my time here at SCAD, and I’m so glad to have stumbled upon it.’

And finally the Editor-In-Chief, Reese Whipple, came into the club at the interesting time of COVID-19, recalling the strange process that stuck with her ever since:
I still remember finding the SCAD HoneyDripper on SCAD’s fall festival discord server. The entirety of the fall festival being online is such a bizarre concept to me now, but that’s how it was done. I sent an incredibly professional email with my resume and portfolio to the current Editor-in-Chief about how I wanted to become an editor. Looking back, that seems so silly now, because I’ve come to realize things in the HD are a lot more laid back than that. Since Freshman year I’ve been involved with the club and it hasn’t fully set in yet that after this year I’m done with it- it’s been with me throughout my entirety at SCAD and I’ve seen so many people come and go since. I’ve met so many new people and gained so much experience from my time with the media group and hope only that it stays strong in the everso moving future.
As the current Editor-In-Chief about to hang up my hat after a full four years with SCAD HoneyDripper; all I can say to anyone reading this out of curiosity is don’t be afraid to step up. I’ve had friends that were too intimidated to join that regret never doing it now, and through both the ups and downs I can promise I never regretted throwing my name in the hat and joining myself. The worst that can happen is you don’t get the position, and you get application experience anyways. Put yourself out there and try new things, it was one of the best decisions I made in my time at SCAD.

The HoneyDripper is the Savannah College of Art and Design’s juried comics and illustration blog, dedicated to publishing, promoting, and showcasing the finest in student work.